15 Ways to Save on your Energy Bill (Part 1)

Feeling a little stressed after opening your energy bill?

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No worries. We can help.  With a few simple tasks and a little preventive maintenance, you can keep your home warm and cozy while saving a few dollars.

We’ve organized a list of 15 tips you can start implementing today.  Part 1 of 2 is below.  Read Part 2

15 Ways to Save on your Energy Bill (Part 1): Choose the right air filter.

Air filters are either pleated or non-pleated with a MERV rating of 1-16. With so many options, how do you know which is right for your household? If you have pets or family members who suffer from respiratory issues, you may need a filter with a high MERV rating.

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 In general, most households find that a pleated filter with a MERV rating of 11 is a good choice. 

Pleated filters are more durable and an 11 MERV rating offers excellent filtration of airborne contaminants. In addition, they are very effective in capturing small particles, removing allergens, and other matter that contributes to poor indoor air quality.  For advice on choosing the right air filter, give us a call or text, 502.244.9999.

Address those pesky drafts.

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Caulk and seal windows, doors, chimneys, and all seams and cracks to the outside including light switches and electrical outlets.  Any area that may let cold air in and warm air out should be sealed.

Install a steam humidifier.

In the winter, a higher indoor humidity level equals greater comfort without the need to turn the thermostat to a higher setting.  That’s good news for you and your wallet. For you, no more dry skin and cracked lips. You’ll also be set free from static electricity which causes that fly-away hair and annoying shock from the touch of your family members.

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15 Ways to Save on your Energy Bill (Part 1): Let the sunshine in.

Sunshine provides us with free, clean energy and brightens our mood.  Therefore, open blinds and curtains during the day to allow sunlight in. South facing windows always offer the best sun. Close them at night to block the chill from cold windows.

 Check the air flow.

One of the simplest things you can do to increase airflow in your home is to keep every register open, even if you are not using a specific room. Closing registers causes your HVAC system to work harder to move air, which can cause other issues.

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Also, clean registers, baseboard heaters, and radiators to ensure proper air flow. Be sure there is no blockage from furniture, carpets, or drapes.


Adequate insulation in your attic, basement, exterior walls, and crawl spaces helps maintain your entire home’s energy efficiency. Without insulation, air escapes through the floor, walls, and the attic. Insulation also helps to preserve good air quality and reduce energy costs.

15 Ways to Save on your Energy Bill (Part 1): Use LED lights.

LED light bulbs are known to burn up to 25-30% less electricity and last 15 to 20 times longer. They may cost a little more upfront; however, the savings will add up over time.

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Did you know? An energy audit can reveal clues on how to improve efficiency and lower your monthly bill. Contact us today for a complimentary evaluation. Text or call 502.244.9999.

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Read Part 2

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