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Schedule A Furnace Tune-up and Chimney Sweep Now

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Schedule A Furnace Tune-up and Chimney Sweep Now

It is a good idea to schedule a furnace tune-up and chimney sweep now to avoid the busy season when wait times could be longer than normal. Plus, you’ll have peace of mind, you are safe to enjoy those upcoming warm cozy nights together without any disruptions.

Schedule A Furnace Tune-up and Chimney Sweep: Why NOW?

Scheduling a furnace tune-up now means you are ensuring you and your family will be safe before the cold season hits. Plus, you’ll avoid any delays and receive a discounted rate by being the early bird!

Get your tune-up with no waiting. Fall is the time of year everyone starts thinking about their furnace. Get a head start by contacting us now.

Save money on repairs. A furnace tune-up identifies issues before they lead to mid-season breakdowns and costly repairs.

Lower energy bills. When your HVAC system is tuned-up, it uses less energy. This means saving money on your energy bill, without compromising comfort.

Extend the life of your furnace. When all components are maintained and working properly, your heater should have a longer lifespan.

Home Safety. During a tune-up, we will check for gas leaks, assess Carbon Monoxide (CO) levels, and take other steps to make sure the unit is operating safely.

For a limited time, we are offering a $78 SPECIAL on any furnace tune-up. Contact us today to schedule, 502-244-9999.

Schedule A Furnace Tune-up and Chimney Sweep: Why a Chimney Sweep?

The Chimney Safety Institute of America recommends at least one cleaning annually.

Be Proactive. Having your chimney inspected now gives you peace of mind BEFORE you light that first fire.

Detect flue issues. Vegetation and even critters can block the flue and prevent the normal escape of fire by-products to the outdoors. If left alone, this could lead to exposure to Carbon Monoxide (CO) gas.

Prevent creosote buildup. This tar build-up can cause fires in the chimney damaging the structure and interior of your home.

Identify damaged parts. Many parts of the chimney are hidden; a chimney sweep can find and repair any damaged parts minimizing fire risk, CO exposure, and water damage.

We are Certified Specialists by the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA). You can count on us to repair, clean and protect your chimney, keeping you and your family safe.

Contact Us

For nearly 30 years, we’ve been serving Louisville homeowners just like you. We have earned an outstanding reputation by fulfilling our promise to operate ethically and keep our customers safe and comfortable.

Schedule a furnace tune-up and chimney sweep now.  Text or call Allgeier Air, 24/7.


Additional Reading

Heater tune-up

Chimney Sweeps

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