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10 Hacks To Save Money On Your AC Bill

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10 Hacks To Save Money On Your AC Bill

10 hacks to save money on your AC bill are action items you can do today.

As temperatures soar and summer heats up, so do our concerns about rising air conditioning bills.

To help you save money on your monthly energy bill, we have compiled 10 hacks that will help you beat the heat and keep your hard-earned cash right where it belongs – in your wallet.

Seal Leaks To Save Money On Your AC Bill

Plug those sneaky gaps and cracks around doors and windows. You’ll keep the cool air in and the scorching heat out.

Consider weatherstripping or caulking for a quick and budget-friendly fix.

Embrace Shade To Save Money On Your AC Bill

Draw the curtains or shades during the day to block out the sun’s relentless rays. Using window coverings or reflective window films can help maintain a cooler indoor environment.

Utilize Fans To Save Money On Your AC Bill

Ceiling fans and ventilation fans keep the air flowing and can help cool a room while using less energy.

Turn Down Your Thermostat To Save Money On Your AC Bill

One of the easiest ways to save money is to set your thermostat a degree or two higher when you’re away or at night.

Investing in a programmable or smart thermostat allows you to automate temperature adjustments while you are away.

Insulate To Save Money On Your AC Bill

Adding more insulation to your attic or walls can make a significant difference in cooling costs. This hack keeps the cool air from escaping, meaning your AC won’t have to work as hard to maintain a comfortable environment.

Cook Outdoors To Save Money On Your AC Bill

Summer’s the perfect time for outdoor grilling. Cooking with your stove or oven raises indoor temperatures, causing your AC to work overtime.

Grilling outdoors helps your AC take a break and save you money. We now offer all types of grills and outdoor kitchens at our Fireplace showroom.

Tune-Up Your AC To Save Money

Keep your AC running properly by giving it a tune-up once a year. This will cut down on inconvenient and unnecessary repairs, and help save money on your monthly energy bill.

Consider Energy-Efficient Appliances

Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances to minimize energy usage. Look for ENERGY STAR® certified products, including air conditioners, refrigerators, and washing machines.

Timing Is Everything

Use appliances and do household chores during cooler parts of the day.

Run your dishwasher, do laundry, or use the oven in the early morning or late evening when the temperature drops naturally. This helps your AC to work more efficiently, resulting in savings.

Unplug And Disconnect

Many devices consume electricity even when turned off. Unplug chargers, electronic devices, and other appliances when not in use. Disconnect power strips or surge protectors to prevent energy loss, which can add up over time.

This will also give you time to reconnect with your loved ones!

Contact Us

We’ve been helping homeowners in the Louisville and Southern Indiana area stay cool for nearly 30 years. When you need AC advice or have a question, contact one of our expert technicians. Call or text anytime.


Additional Reading

AC Maintenance

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